Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office In GTA 5

(The main entrance to the Paleto Bay Sheriff’s Office)

The Paleto Bay Sheriff’s Office consists of a large main building with a smaller second floor, with an antenna on the west side roof. The east side has an attached brick building with barred windows which serves as a county jail.

There is a sign on the west side of the building that reads, "The Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office has successfully managed 35 days without a narcotics arrest: Good work team!".

(The parking area behind the building)

There is a parking area in front and behind the building for police vehicles and occasionally a park ranger will spawn here. A helipad is located behind the buildings. There is a sign on the west side of the building that reads about the station's success in not having any narcotics arrests. Newspaper racks for local publications are located at the front of the station.

(Deputy Kirkman and Deputy Grimes standing behind the building in the parking area)
