YouTuber Jeff Wittek has received backlash online after attempting the recently banned Milk Crate Challenge. The TikTok trend was barred from the social media platform after several participants sustained life-threatening injuries after completing the challenge.
The 31-year-old YouTuber, who became popular online after appearing in several of David Dobrik's vlogs, suffered a critical eye injury from the hands of an excavator operated by Dobrik. Jeff Wittek had been told that he would possibly be losing his eyesight after the incident. The Vlog Squad member created a mini docu- series titled Don’t Try This At Home, in which Jeff Wittek shed light on the horrific accident and the aftermath.
Fans of the Jeff's Barbershop podcast were disappointed to see Jeff Wittek attempt the challenge which had caused participants to land themselves in the Emergency Room. Speaking of the challenge, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Shawn Anthony said on The Today Show:
“Injuries can include broken wrists, shoulder dislocations, ACL and meniscus tears, as well as life-threatening conditions like spinal cord injuries.”Although industrial polythene milk crates can hold thousands of pounds of weight individually, when stacked together in a pyramid-like structure for the Milk Crate challenge, it leads to the milk crates losing their stability. Challenge participants often fall miserably while attempting the challenge.
Despite the warning and ban being announced by TikTok, Jeff Wittek, who has amassed over 3.14 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, had to make an attempt at tackling the challenge.
In the video, Jeff Wittek can be seen climbing the milk-crate staircase, while a person jokingly tries to knock the milk-crate structure down. YouTuber David Dobrik was heard in the background discouraging the person from knocking the milk crates down.
Though Jeff Wittek won the challenge, netizens were not pleased with the YouTuber. Many took to Twitter expressing their disappointment. Some comments included:
“@jeffwittek u really doing this shit like u didn’t just get bran damage from this [David Dobrik] mfer” “Anything for the daddy David” “Yesss let’s flood the hospitals with more dumbies”Jeff Wittek shared in his docu-series that he had sustained a broken foot and hip, torn ligaments in his leg and had shattered his skull in nine different places aside from the critical eye injury. Although it seems sensible not to put your body in harms way after sustaining a serious accident, it appears that nothing can stop Jeff Wittek from putting himself in danger.
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