How to pronounce cannes france

Is Cannes pronounced can or con?

How in the world do you pronounce Cannes? In conversations in the weeks leading up to the festival, the name of the picturesque city on the Mediterranean Sea has been pronounced by many as “con,” like in “con job,” by some as “can” as in “can of pint,” and by a few as “cans” as in “cans of paint.”

How do u say Cannes?

How do you pronounce Caen and Cannes?

Cannes” is like the BE pronunciation of “can”. For AE it is a shorter sharper vowel than you use in “can” but not so different. “Caen” is a bit difficult to describe in written words. It is like “Kahhhhhn” but with no “n” at the end.

How French words are pronounced?

VowelPronunciation TipsFrench Example
eWhen placed in the middle of a syllable, sounds like ai in “fair”mer (sea)
eWhen placed at the end of a syllable, sounds like -e- in “her”le (the)
esilent at the end of a wordtasse (cup)
élike “ay”été (summer)
