Besides producing her own albums, Mitchell is one of the few artists to own her masters and rights to her songs, wrote Celebrity Net Worth, allowing her to collect 100 percent of those royalties. Mitchell's talent for songwriting ensured her songs take a life of its own. Other artists have sung her songs or sampled them – one such artist is Janet Jackson, who used parts of "Big Yellow Taxi," one of Mitchell's most famous songs, for her recording "Got 'Til It's Gone," per Encyclopedia Britannica. Aside from music, Mitchell paints, and has designed many of her own album covers. She's also an author, having released her memoirs and a collection of her poems and lyrics.
Mitchell pulled back from public life when she was diagnosed with Morgellons Disease, which causes a feeling of bugs crawling all over the skin. Billboard reported some medical professionals think Morgellons is a psychosomatic illness because it cannot be medically or scientifically substantiated. Mitchell also suffered a brain aneurysm in 2015, which further made her live a more quiet life.
Despite staying away from the industry, Mitchell continues to be celebrated. And as long as people want to listen and sing her songs, she's going to continue making money.