Eat Clean Diet Shed Body Weight with Fresh Foods

Eat Clean Diet is result of personal experiment of Tosca Reno, mother of three kids. Tosca reached 200 pounds past the birth of her three kids, which was quite unbearable to her. She firmly made her mind to melt surplus pounds from her body.

Now the biggest question confronting her was how to lose weight. Discovery of eat clean diet is the result of curiosity of Tosca regarding weight loss. Tosca followed her self-designed diet program which transformed her body so much so that she became eminent swimsuit model.

What is Eat Clean Diet?

Eat clean diet is comprised of whole and organic foods. The plan will bring healthy changes in your lifestyle and diet regime. Tosca believes, excess consumption of processed and manufactured foods today is mainly accountable for accumulation of toxins and diseases in your body.

If you cut their consumption and rely completely on the consumption of fresh foods, you can bring spectacular changes in your body. For example, instead of buying ready-made soups, if you prepare soups at home, using fresh ingredients in them, it would have far healthier impacts on your body. There are myriad harmful preservatives and additives used in packaged soups.

Likewise, there are numerous other means through which Tosca will bring changes in your eating habits and lifestyle. In eat clean diet program, 80% emphasis has been put on exercises, 10% on genes, and 10% on workouts. Tosca shed massive sixty pounds while adhering to the plan. You are expected to drop minimum three pounds of weight in one week.

Work Mechanism of Eat Clean Diet

Eat clean diet is very strict and restrictive yet effective diet program. Dieters are supposed to consume six small meals in a day. Each and every meal shall be able to provide 300-400 calories to your body. Complex carbs and proteins are the most important ingredients of the program and you need to inculcate at least two servings of theirs in your meals.

Just like all other over-restrictive diet plans, eat clean diet plan too has provision of one cheat day in a week. The main purpose of keeping cheat days in such diet plans is to keep dieters remain stick to them because dieters are very likely to get bored while going along with such restrictive diet plans and abdicate them soon.

Tosca gives great importance to home-made foods. She suggests her dieters to prepare foods for them in advance, should they have to go for traveling. Foods available in restaurants can never be that healthy and nutritious as home-made foods are.

Food Items in Eat Clean Diet

Eat clean diet plan doesn’t consider saturated and trans fats good for your body, so it has eliminated almost all the food items rich in these fats from the diet regime. In addition to that, several other foods such as refined sugar, processed foods, refined grains, alcohol etc. have also been swept away from the program.

The plan insists mainly the consumption of high fiber fruits and vegetables. Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, legumes etc. are some of the opulent sources of complex carbs. For getting healthy fats, you can consume avocado, nuts, seeds, and fish oil. And you can enrich your body with proteins by consuming foods such as turkey, chicken breast, and fish.

Workouts in Eat Clean Diet

Tosca points up the significance of workouts. You cannot attain perfectly fit and slender body without practicing workouts. Thirty minutes in a day have been considered vital in the program. You can practice strength training for three days in a week to keep your body agile and in proper shape.

When despite being mother of three kids, Tosca can attain such a sexy and curved body with the help of exercises and diet, why cannot you. So, keep your spirit up and move on confidently with the program.

Some Healthy Recommendations

You can lose weight swifter if you abide by some of the healthy recommendations, which are as follows.

  • Small meals have deliberately been introduced in the program, so dieters are recommended not to omit any of these meals. Breakfast especially should never be skipped.
  • Eat slowly. Slow eating keeps check on your tendency of overeating and maintains small portion size of foods.
  • Though the plan has radically mopped saturated fats from the program but study reveals that small amount of saturated fat is imperative for proper functioning of your heart. So feed your body small amount of saturated fats.

Benefits of Eat Clean Diet

Eat clean diet has myriad benefits. Let’s have a look at some of them.

  • First of all, you will see great relief in your blood sugar level and cardio diseases because five to six small meals in a day will keep check on your blood sugar level.
  • You will get adequate nourishment in the plan which will energize you to perform various activities of the day without being exhausted.
  • You will also see an improvement in your sleeping pattern, as you will get better sleep while going along with the program.
  • You will get hale, flawless skin, and lustrous hair while abiding by the diet program.
  • Your taste buds will mold and you will start developing healthy eating habits.
  • The plan will rid women from cellulite and shabby flab accumulated around various body parts.

Sample Meal Plan

Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of eat clean diet program.


You can have fresh strawberries, blueberries, oatmeal, yogurt etc. in your breakfast.

Morning Snack

You can have avocado, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and one fruit such as apple in morning snack.


You can have French lentil salad, tomato soup, chicken breast etc. in your lunch.

Afternoon Snack

You can have protein or fresh fruit smoothie, yogurt etc. in afternoon snack.


You can have grilled chicken breast, grilled fish, or turkey dressed with spinach and asparagus etc. in your dinner.


You can have apple cranberry crumble or any sweet fruit in your dessert.
